Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced the launch of the ‘Chief Minister Punjab Solarization for Agricultural Tubewells’ programme. The program would help convert 8,000 agricultural tubewells in Punjab to solar energy, promoting sustainability and easing the financial burden on farmers. The Punjab government will provide a substantial subsidy of Rs. 9 billion for the solarization of tube wells. The subsidy amounts are Rs. 500,000 for up to 10 kW, Rs. 750,000 for up to 15 kW, Rs. 1 million for up to 20 kW. Farmers owning at least one acre of agricultural land are eligible to apply for this solarization program. The application process has been made simple and can be completed online at cmstp.punjab.gov.pk. Additionally, the application form can be downloaded from www.agripunjab.gov.pk. The date for submitting applications has been extended to allow more farmers to benefit from this program. CM Maryam Nawaz emphasized that every promise made to the farmers will be fulfilled. This solarization project will provide relief from inflated electricity bills, ensuring that farmers can fully participate in the progress and development of Punjab. “Whenever the PML-N government is in power, the prosperity of farmers is guaranteed,” she said.