Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Ahsan Iqbal on Friday said that the purpose of forming the policy board is to bring improvement and transparency in the economic planning process of the country with the help of the private sector.
The minister said the private sector’s participation will significantly improve the Planning Commission’s efficiency, and these measures will help stabilize Pakistan’s economy.
Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Ahsan Iqbal chaired the first policy board meeting of Planning Commission today in Islamabad.
The meeting was attended by Secretary Planning, representatives of major private organizations, corporate leaders, and experts from various fields.
On this occasion, Federal Minister said the board members will play a key role in preparing the strategic framework as well as making multi-term, mid-term and long-term plans and the government considers the formation of the policy board as an important milestone and through it the goals of sustainable development will be achieved.
Ahsan Iqbal added that the government has set up a policy board to ensure the implementation of the Five Ease Framework, Thirteenth Five Year Plan, and Vision 2030. Key areas such as exports, digital development, environment, energy and equity have been prioritized under this framework.
He said that the experiences and suggestions of the members of the Policy Board will also help in the formulation of the national budget, and the process will be made more transparent and reliable.
Ahsan Iqbal stressed that the board members should express their opinions openly to help improve the planning commission.
Ahsan Iqbal emphasized that the members of the policy board would assist the government in monitoring the financial affairs and audit of the Planning Commission. The Federal Minister said that the inclusion of Policy Board members will make the Planning Commission a complete think tank which will further improve the development process of Pakistan.
He also reiterated that the government welcomes the suggestions of private sector experts and their suggestions will be incorporated in the national development plans.