Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) firebrand stalwart Sher Afzal Marwat announced on Saturday that he set aside differences with the party leaders after holding a meeting with the incarcerated party founder Imran Khan. “I met Imran Khan after a gap of three months,” said Marwat while speaking to journalists outside Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail. He added: “I shook hands with him and the PTI founder hugged me. There was an exchange of complaints from both sides.” The PTI lawmaker in the National Assembly, who had been engaged in a tense verbal duel with fellow party leaders for a few months, said that he was putting aside his disagreement with the party following the orders and assurance of Khan.
The politico, who had faced termination of his basic party membership over the violation of party discipline earlier this month, announced that only the PTI founder could sack him from the party. Marwat also apologised for his statements against the PTI leaders. Elaborating on his future strategy, the PTI firebrand politician said that he was given responsibility to start preparation for August 22 power show. He added that PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan gave a clear message that differences within the party should not surface again and all of the leaders are now united.