The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) in Larkana along with security agencies took action on Sunday based on secret information and arrested two wanted terrorists belonging to the banned organization SRA. The police seized explosive material, detonators, safety fuse, black powder, wire nut bolts and a grenade. Following the seizure of material, the police filed a first information report (FIR) at the CTD police station. In this regard, DSP Larkana Syed Asghar Ali Shah told the media that the team of CTD Police Larkana conducted a joint operation with agencies on NAUDERO Road on a secret tip. He said that Salahuddin Jatoi, a resident of Mehrabpur village of Bagrani taluks, was arrested and 350 grams of explosives, six detonators, a safety fuse, black powder, wire, nut bolt and a grenade were seized from him. He said that the arrested terrorists told during the investigation that they met with the senior leadership of SRA during 15 days of training, where they learned to operate and make all kinds of weapons. He said that the terrorists have accepted responsibility for the explosion in DAS Hyderi Larkana on May 29 and revealed that after the blast in DSP Hyderi’s office. The DSP CTD further said that there are cases of serious nature, including terrorism against the terrorists in different police stations.