Mansehra police on Wednesday arrested all the accused involved in the Eid-ul-Azha parking dispute murder case, where a 60-year-old man from Syedabad was shot dead and his sons sustained injuries in the jurisdiction of Lari Adda Police Station. The suspects, identified as Waleed Raza, Malik Murad, and Hamad, have been apprehended by Mansehra police. According to police sources, the dispute escalated on Eid day, leading the suspects to shoot and kill the elderly man. One of his sons was shot and injured, while the other was struck with the butt of a pistol. The suspects managed to escape from the crime scene following the incident. The police registered a case against the suspects on charges of murder and attempted murder and launched an investigation. All three suspects have been apprehended and presented in court. The court has remanded them into police custody for two days to facilitate further investigation while the police are investigating the case to gather more details and ensure justice is served.