Police in Islamabad on Saturday registered a case against all three PTI-backed independent candidates from the federal capital under the Anti-Terrorism Act. In the FIR registered against Shoaib Shaheen, Amir Mughal and Ali Bukhari, it was stated that during their protest outside the National Press Club, they tried to crash their cars into the policemen in order to kill them. It was further stated that the PTI workers, carrying guns with them, misbehaved with the police personnel deployed at the site and also had a scuffle with them. They snatched anti-riot kits from them, tore their uniforms and even pointed their guns at them, read the FIR. Later they while shouting slogans blocked the road. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) had on Friday staged a protest outside the National Press Club in Islamabad, leading to multiple arrests by the police. The demonstration, organised by the party to voice various grievances, saw heightened tensions as the law enforcement officials intervened. The Islamabad police arrested PTI Islamabad president Amir Mughal along with eight others workers during the protest. Following workers’ protest, additional police forces were deployed to manage the situation and prevent any untoward situation.’The deployment included three Senior Superintendents of Police (SSPs) who were present on the scene to oversee the operations.