A two-member bench of Peshawar High Court comprising Justice Shakeel Ahmed and Justice Dr Khurshid Iqbal on Wednesday sought details of registered cases against Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Ali Amin Gandapur by anti-corruption watchdog. The counsel of Ali Amin Gandapur had filed an application in the high court for details of cases. Additional Director Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) told the court that there were two inquiries against Ali Amin, in the Dera Ismail Khan region. The police representative said that there were six First Investigation Reports (FIRs) in Dera Ismail Khan region while the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) prosecutor informed about one case against the KP CM. Counsel for petitioner Arshad Ali told the court that Anti-corruption officials have not yet submitted their response. Justice Shakeel Ahmed wondered how the anti-corruption department could not respond to the government. The Advocate General replied that an important meeting was scheduled for April 29 in which all the stakeholders including the police chief would be invited to take important decisions related to political cases. Justice Shakeel Ahmed emphasized coordination and respect between the government and the opposition to address the problems of the masses. He remarked that people were not getting electricity, gas, and also facing the brunt of inflation. The Advocate General said that the provincial government was taking pragmatic measures to address the problem of the masses, adding that Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur met the Prime Minister and raised these issues with him. Later the court adjourned the proceedings while seeking a reply from the anti-corruption department on the next hearing.