President Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Fuad Ishaq on Friday inaugurated a new branch of Bank Alfalah on Ring Road, Hayatabad here on Friday. During the inauguration ceremony, the SCCI executive members Hamza Ibrahim Butt, Hafaf Ali Khan, Secretary General Sajjad Aziz, members of the business community, along with the Bank Al-Falah Regional Head Jamil Ahmad Sauval, Area Manager Muhammad Adil, Branch Manager Taniya Khan, Regional Coordinator Asadur Rehman and others were present. Talking on the occasion, the SCCI chief praised the Bank Alfalah for its services and facilitation to the business community. He said the Bank Alfalah’s business-friendly policies have become fruitful for the traders and asked other commercial banks to adopt such pro-business policies to facilitate the community. Fuad Ishaq said the opening of a new branch of the Bank Alfalah on Ring Road, Hayatabad is welcoming, as the area is a hub of multiple businesses, and with support of the bank, commercial and trade activities will be further boosted in the area. The chamber president urged the State Bank of Pakistan to review the current interest rate and bring it down to single digit, hoping that the initiative would promote business and trade activities and stabilize the national economy. Earlier, the regional head of the Bank Alfalah Jamil Ahmad Sauval speaking on the occasion requested Fuad Ishaq to help in opening the bank branch in Industrial Estate Hayatabad Peshawar, upon which the SCCI president assured that they will take up this matter with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Economic Zones Development and Management Company (KPEZDMC), Government of the KP.