The Punjab cabinet on Thursday okayed the Ramzan Nigehban Package. Chairing a maiden cabinet meeting as Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz directed the authorities to ensure the quality of the items being distributed under the Ramzan Nigehban Package.
Under the Ramzan Nigehban Package, as many as 6.5 million deserving families will be assisted at their doorsteps in the holy month. “There are 6.5 million bags and all of them have QR scan code on them. The pictures of the package receivers have also been captured which will be kept safe, said the CM.
One bag contains 10kg of flour, 2kg of sugar, 2kg of ghee and 2kg of rice. The district administration and the Punjab Food Authority have been tasked to ensure the quality of ghee, rice, flour, gram flour and rice in the package, she said.
For the smooth distribution of the Ramzan Nigehban Package, the Punjab CM has also directed Urban Unit and Special Branch teams for field survey. The special commission of ministers will look after the distribution of the bags to deserving families.
Maryam Nawaz also tasked to keep an eye on the profiteers during Ramzan and also okayed Sasta Bazars across Punjab at the district level.
Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz on Thursday chaired a high-level meeting to review the higher education scholarships and iPad scheme.
During the meeting, the chief minister expressed displeasure at the incomplete briefing and sought a comprehensive plan for the PEEF Scholarships scheme.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif ordered a student survey for iPad, laptop schemes. She vowed to develop higher education and other institutions on modern lines.
Maryam Nawaz said that the government will take further action regarding the laptop and iPad schemes considering the needs of students.
The meeting was attended by former Senator Pervez Rasheed, member Provincial Assembly Maryam Aurangzeb, Nosheen Adnan, Rana Sikandar Hayat, Chief Secretary, Chairman P&D, Secretary Finance and Secretary Higher Education, Chairman PITB and other officials.