A-list film and TV actor Sonya Hussyn penned an empowering note to herself in a new post on Instagram. Taking to her Instagram handle on Tuesday, Sonya Hussyn treated her more than 3 million followers on the social platform with some stunning pictures from her time in Los Angeles, California. However, it was her empowering note on self-love in the caption of the eight-picture gallery, which captured the attention of social users. “A letter to myself,” she penned, before adding, “Dear Me, Love yourself a little more each day, for you deserve all the happiness in the world.” The ‘Tich Button’ star continued, “Let your heart be filled with the warmth of chasing your dreams. Embrace gratitude for the beautiful people and blessings that surround you and be proud of the remarkable person you are.” “My dear, You are my shining star and In this vast universe, you have chosen to be ‘Love’, painting your own vibrant rainbow,” Hussyn added. “So, remember to always celebrate the remarkable soul that you are. With love, Sonya Hussyn.”