The Punjab Ombudsman Major (R) Azam Suleman Khan had cleared the outstanding dues of the 53 petitioners to provide relief to the civil employees and citizens of the province. According to the details, on the orders of the Ombudsman Punjab Major (R) Azam Sulaiman Khan , Punjab Government Servants had created the Valant Fund Board comprising the Secretary Punjab Workers Welfare Board, Secretary Labor and Human Resources Department Punjab, Welfare Fund Board, District Monitoring Officer Education and Punjab Social Protection Authority in various districts. More than 758,000 rupees had been provided to 53 petitioners whose cases including educational scholarships, farewell grants, death grants, monthly grants and marriage grants were pending due to various reasons for long. Educational grants worth Rs. 852,000 were also provided to the 22 citizens. The civil employees of the Punjab government and citizens from different districts lauded the effort of the Ombudsman Punjab Major(R)Azam Suleman Khan for playing an effective role in resolving their grievances.