The Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) police force is undergoing a major modernization drive, with the introduction of the latest technology and equipment, on Monday. According to AJK Police Spokesperson, this move is aimed at improving the police force’s performance and ensuring the safety and security of the people of AJK. In a recent development, the AJK police have established a Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) to combat terrorism and other threats to security. The CTD will be responsible for gathering intelligence, investigating terrorist incidents, and apprehending suspects. The AJK police are also in the process of establishing a special protection unit to provide security to foreign engineers working on hydel power projects in the region. In addition to these measures, the AJK police are also upgrading its infrastructure and training facilities. The force is building a new, state-of-the-art police station in Mirpur, and is also upgrading its investigative center in Arja. The AJK police chief, Dr. Sohail Tajik, has said that the reforms being introduced are aimed at making the police force more responsive to the needs of the people. He has vowed to make the AJK police one of the most professional and efficient police forces in the region.