The Kaghan Development Authority (KDA) announced on Saturday the closure of the Mansehra Naran Jalkhad (MNJ) road from Kaghan and onwards, as the valley has experienced over 5 feet of snowfall. Consequently, the entry of tourists has been officially banned in Naran. This decision comes amidst a series of snowfalls affecting various tourist destinations including Naran, Kaghan, and Shogran. KDA spokesperson Moazam Ali informed media that the snow accumulation in Shogran has reached 3 feet and the administration has restricted the tourists and locals to travel on Shogran Road to only 4×4 vehicles equipped with snow chains. In Naran, where the snowfall exceeded 5 feet, tourists are banned from entry beyond Kaghan. Despite the restrictions, a significant number of tourists have reached in Kaghan, eager to experience the enchanting snowfall and weather conditions. The spokesperson emphasized that the Kaghan Development Authority is actively engaged in assisting the tourists. Additionally, machinery is being deployed for the clearance of roads, ensuring safety and convenience for visitors.