Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi laid the foundation stone of a signal-free corridor project from Pirwadhai Mor up to Kutchehry Chowk in Rawalpindi. The 7.6-km-long signal-free corridor would cost Rs 8.2 billion and reduce traffic load on the busiest intersections of Rawalpindi, said a handout issued here on Saturday. The CM said the government was solving long overdue traffic problems in Rawalpindi on a permanent basis. A single barrel underpass at Qasim Market and double barrel underpasses at GPO Chowk and PC Chowk would be built. Naqvi launched the construction work at the Asghar Mall Road, which is being reconstructed from Murree Road up to Chungi Number 4. He said: “We will strive to complete the road before the stipulated timeline,” the CM said and added that cleaning of local locality sewerage lines surrounding the road would be ensured. People had to face a lot of hassle due to Asghar Mall Road being located in the densely populated area of the city. The CM said traffic problems in the city would be solved with the repair and rehabilitation of link roads. He was given a briefing about both the projects. Provincial Ministers SM Tanveer, Doctor Javed Akram, Amir Mir, Doctor Jamal Nasir, Ibrahim Hassan Murad, Chief Secretary, Chairman P&D Board, Secretaries of C&W, Health, Local government, Industries, Commissioner Rawalpindi, RPO, Deputy Commissioner and officials concerned were also present.