Actress Ushna Shah’s husband Hamza Amin had been labelled as the ”stepbrother” of Pakistan T20 skipper Shaheen Shah Afridi. One of the netizens reacted to the fresh post by Ushna Shah, which she shared on Instagram. In the comments section of the post, one of the followers labelled Ushna’s husband as the ”stepbrother” Shaheen Shah Afridi. The netizen wrote, ”Is he the stepbrother of Shaheen Shah Afridi (Shaheen Shah ka sutela bhai ha kya)?” The ”Balaa” star shared a set of multiple snaps in which she is seen spotting at different locations and in some of the pictures, she is also seen spotting with her husband, Hamza Amin. In one of the photos, she is looking to get some vitamin C and in the other photo, she is holding her luggage. In another click, Hamza Amin is seen studying for his thesis. Ushna Shah had amassed over three million followers on her Instagram handle.