Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding had been the talk of the town ever since the couple got engaged in May 2023. The two got married in grand wedding celebrations in Udaipur on September 24. On October 22, the actress is celebrating her 35th birthday and received best wishes from none other than her life partner, Raghav Chadha. Parineeti Chopra received sweet birthday wishes from her husband Raghav Chadha. The AAP MP shared a bunch of pictures from the cute and adorable moments that the two spent together while professing his love for the actress. In one of the pictures, the couple can be seen holding umbrellas while sitting by the beach, while the others were a sneak-peek into their romantic holidays together. While wishing his ‘wifey’ Parineeti, Raghav wrote, “You light up my life like a superstar, Paru! Just a smile from you can make my challenging and chaotic life bearable You bring SO much joy into my world On this special day, I want to celebrate the amazing woman that you are Here’s to more laughs, more love, and more unforgettable moments together like these beautiful ones of our first year together.