Under the spirit to ensure its transparent functioning eliminating the trend of all sorts of the unlawful exercises through existing manual working during the course of allotment, transfer of plots and the related course of action, Mirpur Development Authority (MDA) is all set to launch Rs. 60 million latest Information Technology project for computerization of its land and other office record for the facility of general public including allotees of the plots located in its housing sectors in lake district of Mirpur AJK, official sources said. A spokesperson of the MDA told APP here on Thursday that at the first leg of the plan in response to the course of selection of IT firm for acquiring services regarding Digitization, Automation, Scanning, Indexing, Data Entry of different Departments record of MDA against the project “Computerization of Land Record of MDA Mirpur AJK”, a lowest bidder IT firm has almost so far been picked for grant of work order for execution of the project within the stipulated time frame, since October 16, 2023 was the last deadline for Bid Submission by 13:00 hours. Highlighting the salient features of the project, the spokesperson said that in the wake of IT revolution at global level, it was high time that operational mechanism of MDA be transitioned from obsolete manual record keeping by introducing a transparent, efficient, computerized system for record keeping and updation of Land Record files. On one hand, consolidated database shall enable the Authority for future town planning while on other hand, it shall result in huge sigh of relief for the citizens of Mirpur AJ&K as it shall enable MDA to dispose off all applications on fast-track basis alongside minimizing errors. The digital culture shall embark an era of prosperity since all the outstanding issues of the overseas community shall be addressed in short span of time who are major contributor to state exchequer in the form of remittances. Similarly, a digitized MDA shall repose trust of the Authority amongst people as an electronic environment will ensure transparency by curbing the menace of corruption meanwhile eliminating major bureaucratic bottlenecks. Highlighting main objectives of the Project, the MDA spokesperson said that the the objectives include ndigitization/automation/securing of record of approx. 50000 files of plots currently at different processing stages at MDA. Processing of all new Plot files through computerized system thereby minimizing the risk of alteration/data loss, Transfer of plots through computerized system instead of manual extensive procedures in order to ensure efficiency and public facilitation with quick processing, Digitization/scanning of all town planning/revenue department record i.e. part plans, sector plans, master plan, revenue section plans of city, processing of new applications on fast-track basis through one window operation by introducing an online system and charging a stipulated fee, E-governance through automation of Plot allotment/transfer/other processes previously carried out manually by Authority, streamlining the activities by offering effective and efficient technology-based solution to provide hassle free services to citizens of AJ&K, automation of cases in cases, their background and present status, evelopment of online application/complaint to enable users to track status of their Plot related applications, up-gradation/Development of official website of MDA, procurement of technological equipment and customized application software on need basis, recruitment of technical staff with relevant skills and experience to ensure smooth automation, development of HR and accounts module and database.nnReferring to the outcomes, expected to result from this project include digitization of Land Records, the spokesperson said that these included increased access to land records at lower transaction cost for the beneficiary, through a client responsive service, one window operation for citizens, increased level of security of land-right holders, execution of efficient mutation process, database to provide reliable mode of information for ownership and dispute resolution and improvement in Land Record service delivery and transparency. Referring to scope of the project, the spokesperson said that MDA intended to computerize the digitization and automation of approx 50000 plots files, automation of one window operation, digitization/scanning of revenue department maps, automation of court cases, automation of building control section, scanning/digitization of town planning maps, automation of administration section salaries and pensions /pay slips to be linked with biometric attendance/efficiency, automation of budget, automation of stadium record and digitization of works section record.