Showbiz A-lister and a doting mommy, Sarah Khan left netizens in awe with the latest pictures of her baby girl, going viral on social media. Taking to her Instagram handle on Friday evening, Sarah Khan treated her 10.7 million followers with some more adorable glimpses of her only daughter Alyana Falak. “My baby,” she wrote in the caption of the three-picture gallery with a heart emoji. The heart-melting clicks featured some mother-daughter love with hugs and kisses. Earlier this week, the ‘Tumhare Hain’ actor also shared a brief snippet of Alyana from the London streets, capturing an adorable interaction between Khan and her daughter. The viral posts were received with love by her millions of followers on the social platform, who liked the post and dropped heart-warming wishes for the duo. It is pertinent to mention that the celebrity couple Sarah Khan and Falak Shabir tied the knot in an intimate nikkah ceremony in July 2020. They welcomed their first child, a baby girl Alyana Falak in 2021.