Sir: Pakistan cannot survive unless the tribulations of illiteracy and overpopulation are resolved. Illiteracy can be surmounted only by making education accessible for everyone, and if possible, making it obligatory for all kids to be educated in English, as is the practice in India.
The population of the country cannot be controlled unless family planning is adopted by each and every family unit, as happened in China. Unluckily, the common Pakistani has been brainwashed to consider that birth control is a monstrous offence. In China, couples with more than one child have to migrate to rustic areas to work in the fields. In India, the Congress Party carried out a mass sterilisation campaign to stop people from breeding like rabbits, but this was one of the reasons why it was routed in the next general elections.
In Pakistan, we can substitute the present crop of illiterate clerics with those who have had an up-to-the-minute edification. Or the state can instruct new mullahs who can prove to the people that Islam does not outlaw birth control.