The victim of domestic violence, Rizwana of Sargodha, was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Lahore General Hospital (LGH) due to her critical condition. The hospital sources said on Sunday, the girl was admitted to the LGH in a critical condition on July 24. Principal Ameeruddin Medical College/Lahore General Hospital Prof Al-Fareed Zafar called an emergency meeting of the Special Medical Board and the members conducted a thorough medical examination of Rizwana and conducted tests. The doctors said that the next 48 hours are crucial for Rizwana’s health. According to the doctors, the wounds are old, due to which the infection in blood had increased and the complications affected some organs of the body. The medical board members told the media that the girl had an infection in her lungs which was affecting her breathing. Principal Prof Al-Fareed Zafar and Prof Jodut Saleem said that Rizwana’s bronchoscopy had been completed due to lack of oxygen. She had an infection in one lung and blood clots in the other. He said that the saturation was decreasing due to infection and clots. Rizwana has been diagnosed with sepsis. He said that the cause of sepsis is infection in the blood which is affecting the whole body. Prof Al-Fareed Zafar said that the girl was brought to the LGH in a very critical condition where doctors were trying hard day and night to save her life, and in this regard, a special medical board was also formed. The treatment is being monitored and tests are being done on a daily basis and the girl is getting the best medical facilities.