Bill Hader, the creator of HBO’s critically acclaimed dark comedy series ‘Barry,’ has been nominated for three Emmys. Hader has received praise for his work as director, writer, and performer on the show, which has been nominated for ‘Outstanding Comedy Series.’ Hader previously spoke with Deadline about his approach to storytelling in ‘Barry.’ He stressed the necessity of being true to the characters’ journeys and letting them influence the plot rather than relying on a preconceived outcome. Hader stated that he first wrote some sequences for fan service but later recognized that they didn’t fit with the overall tone and had to be cut during the editing process. He praises the writers and editors for their contributions to the story’s integrity. Hader was also inspired by his meditation practice, specifically transcendental meditation. He used the mantra, “Don’t do it for what you think people want to see.” ‘Barry’ revolves around the life of Barry Berkman, a hitman who finds himself drawn into the world of acting after enrolling in an acting class taught by Gene Cousineau in Los Angeles. As Barry navigates his new passion for acting, he begins questioning his life choices and seeks personal growth.