Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi has congratulated the whole team on making excellent cleanliness arrangements on three consecutive days of Eid-ul-Adha across Punjab including Lahore. Mohsin Naqvi stated that the performance of Provincial Ministers, Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, officials and staff members of Solid Waste Companies, Local government and Special Branch remained praiseworthy. Mohsin Naqvi acknowledged that the Provincial Ministers diligently monitored Eid cleanliness operation in an effective manner and ensured cleanliness arrangements. Mohsin Naqvi lauded the performance of Provincial Ministers and the whole team on making excellent cleanliness arrangements. Solid waste companies, administration and relevant departments have come up to the expectations of citizens by making timely cleanliness arrangements. We thank the citizens for extending their cooperation with regard to cleanliness arrangements. Caretaker CM stated that the performance of concerned departments remained appreciable in ensuring excellent cleanliness arrangements across Punjab including Lahore. Mohsin Naqvi outlined that by working with the same zeal, dedication and ardour we have to continue our work with continuity so as to make our cities beautiful as well as neat and clean. CTO lauds traffic wardens for performing best duties on Eid: Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Taimoor Khan lauded the traffic wardens for performing best duties during Eid ul Azha. He said more than 1100 jawans of the City Traffic Police (CTP) have performed their duties during the Eid days. He said that special arrangements were also made regarding the approach to cattle markets, said a press release issued here Sunday. Seven special squads and 35 checking posts were established to prevent one-wheeling, he added. The CTO said that special teams were also formed against overcharging and overloading in Public Service Vehicles (PSVs). The challan tickets were issued to more than 80 juvenile drivers to prevent fatal accidents. A comprehensive traffic plan was chalked out to maintain flow of traffic at public parks and recreational spots. Over 284 officials were deployed for the convenience of tourists in Murree, he added. The CTO further told that more than 32,000 tourist vehicles were entered Murree during Eid holidays and awareness pamphlets were also distributed among 12,000 tourists in Murree. The CTP also provided on-ground assistance provided to more than 2100 tourists who were visiting Murree, he remarked. Desecration of Holy Quran condemned: A political party head has strongly condemned desecration of holy Quran in Sweden recently. Pakistan Markazi Muslim League President Khalid Masood Sindhu said in a statement on Sunday the incident was unacceptable and painful for the Muslims. He said that allowing pages of the holy book to be set on fire by the Swedish authorities on Eidul Azha in front of Muslims was intolerable. He said it was a conspiracy to hurt the sentiments of billions of Muslims in the name of freedom of speech. He said the desecration incident was the second tragic incident of Islamophobia of the West during the current year. He demanded the government register strong protest on the incident after summoning the Swedish ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Admitting that the country was facing price-hike, triggered by external factors, State Minister for Production and Industries Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi urged people on Sunday to take special care of those who have no resources to make ends meet. Talking to APP here, he said the coalition government was utilising all resources to provide relief to the public. It provided relief to the salaried class, pensioners and labourers in the current budget,he added. The minister prayed for peace and prosperity of the Muslim world and for alleviation of sufferings of Muslims across the world, particularly the oppressed brothers and sisters in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine. Tasneem Qureshi said that peace, tolerance, brotherhood and obedience to the commands of Allah Almighty were the messages conveyed through sacrifices and performance of Hajj. Meeting such requirements through practical measures would fulfill real objectives of the recently concluded Eidul Azha event, he added.