A court of Islamabad on Monday extended interim bail of PTI’s Chairman till July 4, in six cases registered by various police stations. The court also instructed PTI’s Chairman to join the investigation in three cases with regard to the incidents of May 9 and also directed the investigation officers to facilitate the petitioner in this regard. Additional District and Session Judge Tahir Abbas Sapra heard the bail cases of Imran Khan in six FIRs registered by police stations Karachi Company, secretariat, Ramna and Tarnol. The prosecutor informed the court that PTI’s chairman had joined the investigation only in one case at Ramna Police Station. PTI’s Chairman lawyer Salman Safdar said his client didn’t join the investigation due to security issues, adding that Imran Khan was still ready to join it. The court said that it would fix the place if the petitioner wanted to appear before investigators. The prosecutor said that they were also ready to facilitate the accused in this regard. Defence counsel said that the court could perform its role in certain situations only. On the query of the judge, Imran Khan’s counsel said that his client was ready to appear before the investigation team in the judicial complex on the same day. The court extended PTI’s Chairman’s bail till July 4 and adjourned the hearing of the case.