Latest pictures of actor Syra Yousuf are going viral on the social media application Instagram. The ‘Sinf-e-Aahan’ star shared the two picture gallery on her account. It showed her posing before the camera in a white shirt and denim jeans. The actor penned American businessman Ray Dalio’s quote, “If you have the power to see things through somebody else’s eyes, it’s like going from black and white to colour. Or two dimensions to three dimensions” as the caption. Thousands of Instagram users liked the pictures. They hailed her looks and pictures with their comments. Syra Yousuf takes to Instagram to share pictures and videos of herself, family moments and professional endeavours with millions of followers. The actor, who has worked on a music channel as a video jockey, is one of the most versatile celebrities in the entertainment industry. Her performances in super hit ARY Digital serials ‘Tanhaiyan Naye Silsilay’ and film ‘Ho Mann Jahaan.’ Her latest work was ‘Sinf-e-Aahan,’ where she played the role of Arzoo Daniel. It was about six courageous women and their inspirational devotion to becoming a part of the Pakistan Army. Syra Yousuf married Shehroze Sabzwari in 2012 and was blessed with a daughter Nooreh Shehroz two years later. They separated in 2019 and finalised their divorce the following year.