The federal government on Friday allocated Rs1114 million for four projects of the Board of Investment (BoI). According to the budget document, “An amount of Rs194.368 million has been earmarked for two ongoing schemes and Rs920.392 million for two new schemes.” “Among ongoing schemes, an amount of Rs.150 would be spent on Sector Mapping and Regulatory Transformation (SMART) and Rs.44.368 million for the establishment of a Project Management Unit (PIM) on China Pakistan Economic Corridor-Industrial Cooperation Development Project (CPEC-ICDP).” “Among new schemes, the government allocated Rs 405.632 for a feasibility study and acquisition of land for the establishment of the Islamabad Model Special Economic Zone (IM-SEZ) and Rs 514.760 for the establishment of one-stop service under the Process Center for Special Economic Zones, it added. Rs. 177,459 mln allocated for various water resources projects: The government has allocated Rs. 177,459 million for various ongoing and new schemes of Water Resources Division in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the fiscal year 2023-24. According to the budgetary document released here on Friday, out of the total allocation, Rs. 157,326.537 million has been specified from local while Rs. 20, 132.463 million as foreign aid component. For ongoing schemes, an amount of Rs. 20,000 million has been allocated for Damer Basha Dam Project (dam part), Rs. 15,500 million for K-4 Greater Water Supply Scheme (Karachi), Rs. 10,500 million for the Mohmand dam, Rs. 5,000 million for Diamer Basha Dam Project (Land Acquisition and Resettlement), Rs. 3,273.834 million for construction of Basool Dam, Rs. 1000 million for construction of 100 delay action dams in Balochistan, Rs. 3000 million for construction of Awaran dam, Rs. 1500 million for construction of Gish Kaur Storage Dam, Rs. 2500 million for construction of Panjgur Storage dam, Rs. 2000 million for construction of Winder dam (Lasbela), Rs. 1244.741 million for construction of 6 small dams (Zhob and Sherani districts), Rs. 1000 million for increasing storage capacity and improvement in command areas of Tanda dam Kohat, Rs. 1000 million each for Kurram Tangi dam, normal/emergent flood programme and Rs. 770 million for Mangi dam. Under the new scheme, Rs 10,000 million was allocated for Umbrella PC-1 of the Flood Protection Sector Project, Rs. 1000 million each for the remodelling of Pat Feeder Canal, Kachhi Canal Project, construction of Sumari Payan dam project (Kohat) and Rs. 385.736 million for the construction of Asreli Storage dam Sui in the PSDP for FY 2023-24. Rs 5000 mn allocated for sports in federal budget 2023-24: Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar on Friday said that for promoting a healthy culture the government had decided to promote sports from the grassroots level. “As sports are an integral part of the education it has been decided to allocate Rs 5000 million in the federal budget 2023-24. This amount will be utilised for the development of sports in schools, colleges and professional sports,” the minister said in his budget speech in the National Assembly.