Conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar, who is currently in jail for the alleged 200 crore extortion case, sends a letter to his love Jacqueline Fernandez through his advocate Anant Malik. In the letter, the Sukesh expressed his love for Jacqueline and also praised her performance at a latest awards show. He wrote: “My love, my baby Jacqueline, my bomma I watched the Filmfare Awards on April 28, I should confess that you were outstanding, and your performance was the best.” “In the whole show your dance act was the showstopper baby, you were elegant, classy, super-hot and you have made me in love with you even more crazier all over again. I just have no words, you are a Bom, Super Star, My Baby Girl.” “I am blessed to have you in my life, My Queen. Botta Bomma, I love you to bits my everything, every second it’s only about you, you know how crazily I love you, also know how crazily you love me. I have been missing you way too much… He further wrote: “Also I have a super surprise for your birthday, you are gonna love it, I am keeping my promise! Can’t wait! Baby I just want you to keep smiling, I am here, the countdown for the truth has begun, don’t worry baby.” Reportedly, Sukesh also sent her letters on Valentine’s Day and Easter. Sukesh Chandrasekhar has been accused of money laundering. Not only him, Jacqueline Fernandez has also been accused to be involved in the case. Her name has been put up in the chargesheet by the Enforcement Directorate in Delhi Court, reports Pinkvilla.