The 100-index of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) witnessed a bullish trend on Wednesday, gaining 91.76 points, with a positive change of 0.22 per cent, closing at 41,099.58 against 41,007.82 points on the previous day. A total of 186,900,702 shares were traded during the day as compared to 173,790,631 shares the previous day, whereas the price of shares stood at Rs 5.781 billion against Rs 5.724 billion on the last trading day. As many as 332 companies transacted their shares in the stock market; 174 of them recorded gains and 133 sustained losses, whereas the share price of 25 companies remained unchanged. The three top-trading companies were Pak Refinery with 16,012,179 shares at Rs 14.22 per share, Fauji Food Ltd. with 13,692,805 shares at Rs 6.35 per share, and WorldCall Telecom with 10,382,725 shares at Rs 1.14 per share. Khyber Textile witnessed a maximum increase of Rs 52.45 per share price, closing at Rs 774.90, whereas the runner-up was Sanofi Aventis with a Rs 40.00 rise in its per share price to Rs 700.00. Sapphire Fiber witnessed a maximum decrease of Rs 74.02 per share closing at Rs 790.51, followed by JS Global with a Rs 24.33 decline to close at Rs 300.21.