Actor Ayushmann Khurrana’s An Action Hero couldn’t impress the audience when it released in the theaters last year. But as the film has arrived on the streaming giant Netflix, it has found many takers. One of the Twitter users recently praised the movie but while doing so, she also attacked Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan. Ayushmann thanked her for her kind words but also told her that to praise An Action Hero, there’s no need to speak ill about Pathaan. The Twitter user wrote, “Screw Pathan, watch Action Hero on Netflix! Story, dialogues, background music, the subtle middle finger shown to Indian news channels and their crass reporting, @ayushmannk has KILLED it! But my fav was the guy mimicking Arnab.” Reacting to the tweet, Ayushmann wrote, “Thanks for loving An Action Hero. Could’ve avoided the first line though I’m an SRKian!” The Twitter user responded to the actor’s tweet and wrote, “Same! I (love) SRK. But sometimes I don’t like the story as much as I love the star.” Shah Rukh’s Pathaan has been creating a storm at the ticket counters ever since its release on January 25. It has already collected Rs 700 crore globally in nine days. Like many new-age actors, Ayushmann has often expressed his love for Shah Rukh. Ahead of An Action Hero’s release, the actor had visited the superstar’s house Mannat and had shared a picture of himself from outside Mannat. He had captioned the photo, “Mannat se guzar raha tha. Toh ek mannat maang li. ??????.” In an earlier interview, Ayushmann had also said that he became an actor because of SRK. While speaking at Agenda Aaj Tak, he had said, “I am a big fan. I became an actor because of him. I can dub for him. I dedicated something to him in Bala. There is some dedication to him in every film. I crossed Mannat (SRK’s mansion) in Bandra and I gathered around with people. They started taking my selfies. I would also stand at Mannat earlier with boys and girls. Now, I get attention because of him, as I am a huge fan.”