The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has approved deduction from the salaries of 3800 teachers of BPS-17 and above for absence from duty without permission. The decision was taken during a high-level meeting regarding the monitoring mechanism in the Education Department held here with Secretary Elementary & Secondary Education, Muatasim Billah Shah on Tuesday. The meeting was convened on the directives of the Provincial Minister for Elementary & Secondary Education, Shahram Khan Tarkahi. The meeting also decided to hold science exhibitions in all schools after the winter vacation. A 10-member committee of women officers was constituted during the meeting, which will pay visits to girls’ schools across the province and check laboratories and cleanliness conditions. On finding inactive laboratories and poor cleanliness conditions will issue suspension orders of the concerned officers. The meeting also decided to cross check the demands of books regarding the new academic year through the Education Management System, which will complete in one or two days and then will issue show-cause notices to all those principals, which have sent demand for new year books.