A Joint Investigation (JIT) headed by Chairman Anti-Corruption Nawaz Shaikh has been set up after the fraud of Rs2.14 billion in funds in the purchase of land for Hyderabad Sukkur Motorway. The JIT headed by Nawaz Shaikh will submit an inquiry report on embezzlement of highway project funds in Matiari district of Sindh within 10 days. It has been said in the FIR that Rs2.14 billion were embezzled from the Rs4 billion received from the federal government and Deputy Commissioner Adnan Rasheed has been arrested in the Motorway case, while main accused Assistant Commissioner Mansoor Abbas, Aslam Pirzada got bail before arrest. The first meeting of the JIT was held at the office of Chairman Anti-Corruption Sindh. The meeting decided to seize phone records of the accused involved in the scandal. Sources privy to the matter said that the JIT will investigate the people involved in the scandal in the style of the police. The National Highway Authority has also set up a two-member committee to probe the scandal.