Pakistan decided to give 80 fully funded scholarships (Undergraduate & Graduate) to Syrian students and the country would also provide Pakistani teachers to extend their services to Syria’s National Center for Distinguished (NCD) for one year with the aim to produce talent and skilful education, Daily Times has learnt.
As per plan, the Syrian students would be provided scholarships under different aid programs running in the country’s higher education sector. The fields of scholarships include medicine, dentistry, engineering, physical, natural & applied sciences, agriculture, education and others.
The 20 out of total 80 shall be offered at Pakistan’s top ranked Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) with preference to students from NCD.
Moreover, six months fully funded (local hospitality) research fellowships at QAU would also be provided to Syrian students and faculty members while seeking scholarships here.
Besides this, it was committed to further technical skills, scientific research in education would be put as part of such collaborative efforts.
The decisions were made by the Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Rana Tanveer Hussain during his official visit to the Arab Republic of Syria. Dr. Darem Tabba, Minister of Education, Syria invited Hussain to discuss education related matters of both countries.
“The Minister announced this decision when he was requested by Dr. Hala Al Dakkak, President of the Distinction and Creative Agency, Syria,” said a spokesperson of the Education Ministry.
Rana Tanveer also proposed a consortium of agriculture and livestock universities between Pakistani and Syrian universities which will encourage MSC & PhD students / scholars to carry out joint research relevant to common agriculture & livestock issues of both sides. The consortium will nominate faculty for exchange visits between Pakistan and Syria as well as to provide research facilities for joint research endeavors.
As per announcement, a capacity development program for Syrian school and university teachers at National Academy of Higher Education at HEC in various modules focusing on teachers development and leadership qualities was also part of the plan.
Allama Iqbal Open University and National Curriculum Council Pakistan will collaborate with Syrian Directorate of distance learning for knowledge exchange and proposal for establishment of AIOU campus in Syria.
The HEC will establish Pakistani cultural corners in Syrian universities mainly located in Damascus, Aleppo, Latakia, Homs and Hama.
In order to materialize and monitor the overall engagements agreed between Pakistan and Syria, both sides agreed to form a Joint Working Group (JWG) consisting of senior officials from both sides in areas of School education, Higher education and TVET sector together with ambassadors of the two countries. The group will meet biannually and submit its report to both sides.
The Minister also visited the Hama Education Platform (HEP) meant to deal with distance educational learning operations, where he witnessed live lectures being broadcasted on Syrian Education channel.
Following HEP, the delegation also visited Industrial High School of Hama, which is a TVET sector training institute. Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain accompanied by his counterpart Syrian Education Minister also attended the launching ceremony of educational initiative “Iqra (read)” at the Basic Education School in Qatana City, Damascus.
His visit was a follow up visit of the Syrian Education Minister to Pakistan last year. During his visit, Rana Tanveer Hussain held meetings with Hussein Arnous, Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Syria, Bassam Bashir Ibrahim, Minister of Higher Education, Namir Habib Makhlouf, Governor Homs and Mahmoud Zanubua, Governor Hama, Syria. The Syrian Prime Minister while conveying his felicitations and best wishes for the Prime Minister of Pakistan mentioned that Pakistan is a brotherly country which stood by Syria in its hard times.