The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan appeared before a sessions court on Friday to apologise to Additional District and Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry in person for his “threatening” remarks. Last month, the deposed premier was booked in a terrorism case on the complaint of Islamabad Saddar Magistrate Ali Javed for threatening the additional sessions judge of the federal capital, Zeba Chaudhry. The PTI chief reached the court along with his lawyer Babar Awan, but soon left the premises due to the absence of the judge. Imran, however, asked the reader at the court to inform Justice Zeba Chaudhry that he had come to apologise to her. “You have to tell Madam Zeba Chaudhry that Imran Khan visited and wanted to apologise if any of my words hurt her sentiments,” he told the reader. The PTI chairman was at the court premises for the hearing of the Section 144 violation case. He appeared before Additional District and Sessions Court Judge Zafar Iqbal for the hearing and was subsequently granted bail.