The resurgence of Turkey on July 8, 2011Lately in the Middle East, particularly since the ‘Arab spring’, a new debate about adopting the Turkish model has sprung to prominence. I find it an interesting prospect that both Islamist and liberal political groups in the Arab world have idealised modern Turkey — however, for their own separate reasons. Turkey presents a model of […]
The illusion of change on February 11, 2011As the situation in Egypt and its surroundings unfolds, and as the international media continues to feed us with images of anger and a sombre dissent, most, if not all, have begun to think that a change is around the corner. Let me warn you though, this is but an illusion. As the on the […]
The broth that always gets spoilt on January 19, 2011Pakistan’s current ‘democratic’ government has brought only dismay to the people. While all the important state policies are being designed and implemented by the military establishment (or the Americans), prolonging the hurtful stay of the present political regime is making less sense with every passing day. This scenario gives rise to many difficult questions: who […]