Show me the money on January 13, 2023The 2022 floods in Pakistan have been the most devastating in living memory. This is reflected in these grim numbers from the World Bank. GDP fell by around 2.2%, 8 million people were displaced, 9 million were pushed below the poverty line, 33 million were affected, and 1730 died, resulting in a $14.9 billion direct […]
Staring down the Barrel on December 15, 2022Clint Eastwood has been the most successful actor of his generation, with a lot of accolades to his name. None more so than in the movie Dirty Harry, a phrase that is all the vogue in the vernacular media nowadays for different reasons! In the film, with an empty 44 magnum in his hand, he […]
UK Economic Landscape on November 8, 2022Consider these eye-watering statistics: inflation galloping at double digits, the steepest rise in interest rates for 33 years, a two-year recession to look forward to, unemployment nearly doubling by 2025, and the longest downturn since records began! This is not the outlook for a developing, third-world nation. It is the economic forecast for one of […]
The ongoing political power of oil on October 7, 2022Since the discovery of oil in the second half of the 19th century in the US, the political power of oil has been on ample display. It has been the most critical dimension in shaping international, domestic and social life. Subsequent detection of oil reserves in Russia, Latin America and the Middle East meant that […]
Missing Moral Compass and Negligible Learning Effectiveness on September 7, 2022Natural disasters are notorious for two things – one, unleashing an era of human suffering and two, putting the moral compass and learning effectiveness of the ruling elite and the state under the microscope! In the recent floods hitting vast swathes of Pakistan, the former was unfortunately on ample display, and the latter was repeatedly […]
Policy Lessons from the Ukrainian Front on July 16, 2022Rarely has a recent conflict been more replete with lessons for the policy making elite than the Ukraine-Russia war. This marks the end of the optimistic bonhomie of the 90s and definitively starts another era of a new Cold War between the US and its allies on one side and Russia and China aligned nations […]
Lateral Thinking in Policy Formulation on June 9, 2022The Greeks have given us many things – democracy, philosophy, architecture, mythology, the Olympics – the list goes on. Another highly valuable Greek contribution to this world is logic. It was Aristotle, Plato and Socrates who were its biggest proponents and underpinned it with knowledge, analysis and judgement. Subsequently, societies were steeped in logical thinking […]
Prerequisites of an Independent Foreign Policy on May 20, 2022Recently, there has been a lot of talk about honour and independence in international relations, specifically in foreign policy formulation. Imran Khan particularly has struck a chord with the population all across the country. Right or wrong, his narrative of a “foreign conspiracy” to stop his “independent foreign policy” is gaining traction within the masses. […]
A Case for Open and Televised Hearings on May 9, 2022Imagine two opposing parties slugging it out in a court of law and then both accepting the ruling wholeheartedly afterwards. Imagine indicted individuals coming to court or jail without displaying victory signs. Imagine the truth actually coming out during a hearing. Imagine the competence, or lack thereof, of the prosecution and defence open for public […]
Is Regime Change Ever a Good Policy? on April 8, 2022Recently the political climate in Pakistan has been abuzz with the phrase “regime change.”This has added fuel to the fire, which was already raging quite wildly! The fact that regime change is a reality that the world has witnessed quite often is a given but the fact that regime change can gain a successful outcome […]