Australia has reformed its policy in Criminal Justice System and made developments in corrections policies specific to female prisoners. In this regard architecture of prisons were designed, gender-specific needs of female prisoners were considered ie, reception, transportation, physical & mental health, education, employment, security, pregnancy and parenting. Establishments of national health indicators (complex personality disorders, […]
Prison Reforms: An overdue Obligation–II
The functions of modernized prisons have changed to custody, control, correction, care, cure, community involvement and successful re-adjustment in society are objectives of prisons. Prisons perform the function of imparting useful education/training to the prisoners in various trades/skills and other vocational disciplines for their successful economic rehabilitation. Organizing recreational activities and psychological counselling of inmates […]
Prison Reforms: An overdue Obligation–I
Prison reform is any change made to either improve the lives of people living inside of prisons, the lives of people impacted by crimes, or improve the effectiveness of incarceration by lowering recidivism rates. Iterations of prisons have existed since time immemorial, with different cultures using a variety of methods to punish those who are […]