Flip side of photojournalism and how we can help on May 23, 2017You have to be a fool to believe that a person who has waddled through a pool of ankle deep blood to report a story can ever be normal. But people ask me what was it like? Here is a little taste of that: I have been in between floods where rain was so intense […]
What its like to be a single woman at 32 in Pakistan on May 14, 2017I once met a “potential marriage prospect” for coffee, where he told me how he hired someone for Rs4 million just to hear him snore and come late to meetings. I secretly desire to be this drunkard fool who he had flown into theparty all night. This is because, in the end, the patience and […]
Why women make better managers? on May 8, 2017Business is all about taking risks, but wise business person will take a calculated risk whenever the opportunity arises. So as unlikely as it may sound, such businesses have the perfect opportunity in Pakistan to hire from a pool of professional women managing their side businesses along with their day jobs. Lately, foreign companies and […]