Kashmir: solution lies in prosperity on August 2, 2016Once a Greek prime minister, while talking to schoolchildren, said that he read Marx when he was 14 years old, and believed that socialism would ultimately win, but now, “it may, it may not.” Apparently, disappointment of the leftists is natural. Things seem to be moving backward. Left seems to be retreating. Leave alone class […]
Of democracy, Qadri and revolutions on April 23, 2016Desire for change is a worldwide norm. That its intensity increases during election campaigns is due to the charged environment becoming, though momentarily, aggressive. In Pakistan, change means revolution, and revolution means a military takeover. Pakistan has so far seen three major ‘revolutions’. How much destruction our three revolutions caused, to know about this is […]
Kashmir, Kargil and cruelty on April 22, 2016Pakistan’s Kargil expedition is again in the news due to a book written by a general and General Pervez Musharraf’s desire to return home to participate in the coming elections. The general-turned-author has revealed that the expedition was planned only by four generals and he and the other generals knew about it later. Many more […]
The dying kicks of the old order on April 20, 2016General Petraeus’s extramarital affair is no match to General Yahya’s uncountable similar affairs. Both gentlemen generals fell from grace though for different reasons: Petraeus’s fall is because of his affair, which is taken in the US as the most heinous offence, second only to tax evasion. Yahya was removed from the posts of commander-in-chief and […]
Needed: a progressive political civil-military bureaucracy on April 19, 2016Human beings are the meanest of all animals inhabiting planet Earth. They inflict pain on and kill other animals. They make their own kind — weak human beings — prisoners and slaves, killing them at will. They do it to have material well being and sensual and sadistic pleasures. Yet, they are unique because they […]
The US has a point too! on April 19, 2016Raising anti-American violent slogans and disgracing the US flag in protest rallies shows as if the US state and society are our enemies and they are intentionally involved in insulting our faith. Behind intentions, there is always a purpose. What do the Americans want to achieve by inflicting emotional injuries on us? Is it about […]
A prism to the NRO judgment on July 2, 2012Our elites become emotional while discussing the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). It is interesting that they justify their emotionalism and that too not by involving logic but by using more emotionalism. In this regard, the most expressive example is an article written by a retired judge of the Supreme Court, which appeared in a daily […]