Women—Objectified Creatures on May 14, 2022“S exual objectification doesn’t get oppressive until is done consistently, and to a specific group of people, and with no regard whatsoever paid to their humanity.”-Laurie Penny Why is it that usually when a woman, regardless of her age or physical disposition, passes a group of men, again regardless of age or demeanour, they make […]
Will the Blame Game Continue? on May 7, 2022“When you blame others, you give up your power to change”-Robert Anthony Life has its ups and downs. When the going is good, we take full credit but when faced with misfortunes, we look for a scapegoat to place the blame on. The consequential effects of certain decisions made by others or certain conditions in […]
The Forbidden Animal on April 30, 2022“He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”-Al-Quran 5:3 As human beings, especially as Muslims, […]
Youth and Political Turmoil on April 22, 2022“Only a country that feels invulnerable can afford political turmoil as entertainment”-Lionel Shriver (American journalist) Pakistan has recently witnessed another political debacle, following the no-confidence motion against the then prime minister Imran Khan on April 9, 2022, who, after staying in power for about three-and-half years, had to step down to make way for a […]
Food Vis-à-Vis Precious Metals on April 16, 2022“Yes, the rich. And that’s their misfortune. You see, if you keep adding copper bit by bit to a child’s food, you prevent the growth of its bones, and he’ll be a dwarf; and if from his youth up you poison a man with gold, you deaden his soul” -Maxim Gorky (Mother) Mr Asif Sharif, […]
Paradoxical ‘Leaders’ (Part II) on April 9, 2022“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity”-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Simplicity is an attribute that has been most emphasised by Islam, and countries including Pakistan, bearing the Islamic flag should have been the ones with a maximum number of examples of the mighty, especially those in politics and military-civil […]
Paradoxical ‘Leaders’ on April 2, 2022“Nobility of spirit has more to do with simplicity than ostentation, wisdom rather than wealth, commitment rather than ambition”-Ricardo Muti When those who want to show how strong and powerful they are, usually do so by flaunting their muscles or bragging about their influential positions and/or contacts or by claiming all that their wealth can […]
Conscience: Unmute the Silent Voice on March 26, 2022“W ar is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within themselves”—Leo Tolstoy In a myriad of cases, children are constantly rebuked about the many acts they do in their daily lives. From the way they eat, walk, talk, socialise and react, etc. to their […]
Reflections in Moral Mirror on March 19, 2022“It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”-Noel Coward (Blithe Spirit) Morality has been perhaps one of the most debated and researched subjects. The battle between right and wrong, and acceptable and despicable behaviour has been going on for ages. Divine religions stressed the importance of good […]
Woman in her own Eyes! on March 12, 2022“There’s so much more about us, beyond the gender philosophies and school(s) of thoughts everywhere. Woman, it does not matter what the world thinks of you, what matters most is what you think of yourself”-Lhonde D.A. Imoiseme on Twitter Each year we celebrate 8 March as Women’s Day with great fervour in our quest to […]