If Convicted, Would Biden Pardon Trump? on June 27, 2022President Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon after the Watergate fiasco no doubt helped Jimmy Carter win the 1976 election. But Ford was right then and right now. A former president in the docket would have been devastating to the nation. Today, that possibility would be catastrophic. But make no mistake: Donald Trump could face […]
Three Days of Infamy Driving Americans Apart on June 20, 2022What might future historians conclude about the tragic state of America today and describe how the nation got here? Three dates may answer this question. Following Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt called December 7, 1941 “a day of infamy.” Today, three dates might qualify as modern “days of infamy.” The first […]
MBS and VLAD: Friends, Foes Or…? on June 13, 2022Poor President Joe Biden! He is caught between a current-day Scylla in the form of Russian President Vladimir Putin, aka “War Criminal” and the Charybdis of Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), aka human rights “Pariah.” Can he negotiate around or through these dangerous waters whether over the war in Ukraine or a pending […]