Trickle-down economics is a nightmare. Kansas proved it on June 19, 2017The Republican gospel of cutting taxes and government services to the bone doesn’t lead to economic growth; it leads to crisis and decline. Just ask the people of Kansas, who finally have seen the light. If House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) don’t heed the Kansas lesson, they […]
Trump budgets for a dumber, dirtier America on March 19, 2017President Trump’s first budget is an attempt to reshape the federal government in his own image – crass, bellicose, shortsighted, unserious and ultimately hollow. Unsurprisingly, Trump titled it “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again.” The reality is that if Congress were to accept these numbers – which it can’t possibly do […]
The GOP can no longer claim it believes in fiscal responsibility on March 12, 2017It’s time to put an end to the myth that Republicans believe in fiscal responsibility. Saving taxpayer dollars takes a back seat to the ideological imperative of blaming and shaming the poor. Witness the GOP’s long-awaited plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. House committees are moving forward on the legislation before the Congressional Budget […]