
Dr Qais Aslam

Prof. Dr. Qais Aslam is Ph.D in Economics from University of National & World Economy (Higher Institute of Economics), Sofia, Bulgaria and trained by Al Gore as Climate Leader. Currently, he is working as Professor of Economics at the University of Central Punjab, Lahore; Was the Former Chairman, Department of Economics at GC University (GCU), Lahore with 36 years teaching and research experience. Has written two books and numerous research articles in Journals, national & International conferences and newspaper on issues of Pakistan’s economy and is a regular participant to electronic media in the country and abroad (Dunia, Chennel %, Express News, GEO, BBC, Voice of America, Al Jazeera) on Pakistan’s socio-political and economic issues. He has also written short stories that are on the internet. He also participates actively as part of civil society on human rights and SDG related issue and is member of HRCP, Pakistan, WWF, Pakistan, PIDE, and PILA. Apart from School of Accounting & Finance, SAF, Business School, FOMS, and Department of Economics, FASS he has taught at different subjects of Economics at GCU, Lahore, MAO College, Lahore, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, NUML, Lahore, Department of Management, UVAS, Lahore PU, lahore and Punjab University Law College, Lahore. He has also given series of lecture on Economy of Pakistan at NIPA, Lahore, Staff College, Lahore, NIM, Islamabad and KIM, Musafarabad.