Producing knowledge on March 30, 2011Over 1,000,000 books are published each year throughout the world. According to available figures, the US produced the maximum number of titles, numbering 288,355 (self-published equals 764,448) followed by the UK at 206,000 and around 136,226 published in China. Neighbouring India produces some 11,903 books per year with many promising writers debuting on the scene […]
Importance of a literate media on March 22, 2011Media channels in Pakistan are flourishing like never before. There used to be only three state-owned TV channels in Pakistan until 2001. With the introduction of cable TV in Pakistan, the electronic media in Pakistan has been revolutionised with hundreds of channels emerging in no time. Interestingly, most of the prominent channels owe their viewership […]
How many secular people will you kill? on February 28, 2011Salmaan Taseer was a prominent businessman and politician who served as the governor of Punjab from May 15, 2008 until his assassination in Islamabad on January 4, 2011 by his own security guard, who disagreed with Taseer’s opposition to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. Salmaan Taseer was born into an affluent family of intellectuals. His father, Dr […]
It all comes down to education on February 4, 2011The current world population, according to the United States Census Bureau, is estimated to be around 6,893,300,000. Among the followers of 21 major religions, there are 2.1 billion Christians (33 percent of the world population), 1.5 billion Muslims (21 percent), 900 million Hindus (14 percent), 376 million Buddhists (six percent), 14 million Jews (0.22 percent), […]