Troika heat-seeking missile destroys Greece on May 29, 2016The economy, the people, the heart and soul of Greece have been demolished by a lower order of bureaucratic seizure that plagues the world. It is scorched-earth economic warfare, ordinarily referred to as neoliberalism. The newest twist/manipulation in negotiations with Troika for Greece survival (demise) in order to provide the country with 86 billion euros […]
The ugly truth behind the Greece bailout on May 15, 2016Christine Lagarde, the Queen of Troika and the Head Honcho of the IMF, on May 6th, threatened to pull the IMF out of the Greece rescue plan, with a straight face, calling it a “rescue plan.” Oh, please! Yet, it is extremely doubtful the IMF would ever entirely pull out since the plan really bails […]
Greece loses its soul on April 17, 2016The soul of Greece has flown away, zipping past Mount Olympus, gone. The negotiating position of Greece à la Troika has gone from bad to worse to much worse, as suffocation of the body politic is well underway. The politicians of Greece have become pliable pawns in the hands of the all-powerful European Troika. It’s […]