Ideology, language attitudes and the status of Punjabi on February 26, 2014Language is the characteristic that most distinguishes us from other living species. There are approximately 6,000 languages spoken around the world, and many of these languages face the danger of extinction and abandonment by the end of the 21st century. Many factors will contribute to the end of almost half of the world’s languages in […]
Can education save Pakistan? on February 11, 2014The recent UNESCO report and Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) once again brought to the fore the plight and criminal neglect of education in Pakistan. Much has been written and said on this topic in recent days. Unfortunately, most of the writers and speakers repeated the same old mantra: we need to educate our […]
Nelson Mandela and Pakistan on December 9, 2013Nelson Mandela, one of the greatest human beings to ever have walked on this earth, died at the ripe old age of 95. His life has been an inspiration for hundreds of millions and his legacy is hope for the downtrodden and oppressed of this earth. Mandela, known lovingly by his tribal name Madiba, was […]
Is diversity dangerous? on October 13, 2013Our world is becoming a global village at a very rapid pace and many places and countries are turning into a melting pot of cultural and social diversity. This phenomenon has brought us face to face with people from different and distant cultures. These days, you can find restaurants and cultural centres of foreign and […]
Terrorism in Pakistan and the discourse of denial on October 7, 2013Language is one of the most powerful and creative human tools. The most basic function of language is to pass information, but language is also used to communicate emotions, feelings, desires, ideas, opinions, and beliefs. These later functions with the help of mass media have become very important in modern times. Mass media has become […]
Saving our indigenous languages on May 14, 2012Pakistan is one of the many countries in the modern world that can boast of a rich cultural, demographic, and geographic diversity. People in the US are often surprised when they are told that Pakistan has beautiful mountain ranges and places where it snows even in summer (many Americans consider Pakistan to be a desert […]