LG system: blessing or curse? on November 20, 2013Austin Ranney in The Government of Men has aptly said, “Local government is an invaluable socio-political laboratory for testing on a small scale various new proposals for government organisation and social and economic policies. Local failure can be borne with far less social cost than that of the national government, and local successes can and […]
Pitfalls of the non-party based local bodies elections II on November 2, 2013The local representatives have been found actively involved in electoral canvassing for their respective political comrades contesting provincial and national elections. Holding of elections at local levels has been suffering from shortcomings that have far-reaching consequences. Its harmful effects can be discussed as follows. First, Section 153 of the NWFP Local Government Ordinance of 2005 […]
Pitfalls of the non-party based local bodies elections I on November 1, 2013Modern democracy is participatory democracy. Modern politics is party politics. The party system, therefore, is an inseparable feature of modern democracy. Political parties play the role of nurseries for democracy and provide a platform to common people to contest elections possessing a particular manifesto. Ironically, the military rulers in Pakistan conducted not only national general […]