New avatar of democracy on June 5, 2018That a man’s ideas evolve with age, experience, interests and circumstances is not surprising. But the direction this evolution takes is usually from youthful idealism, to elderly conservatism. It is with the passing of time that one appreciates why the world is like it is: why the saving of order is more important than doing […]
Current Pak-US impasse on January 2, 2018Reports suggest that the US is losing patience with Pakistan’s strategies with respect to India and Afghanistan. Reports also suggest that India and Afghanistan are becoming exasperated by the safe heavens of anti-India and anti-Afghanistan elements within its territory. This has been coupled with an extremely negative public opinion about Pakistan amongst both neighbours — […]
Stemming the tide of Indo-Pak hostility on June 21, 2017With the dangerously rising temperatures of the region, Indo-Pak borders are also heating up at the Line of Control. The peculiar situation between the two South Asian neighbours bears all apparent signatures of what can be called inevitability, or even desirability, of a decisive war — with the only problem that, in this nuclear environment, […]
Pak-Iran precipice on May 18, 2017We have got only four immediate neighbours and, as on today, we have highly strained relations with three of them. The fourth one — China — has serious reservations on some of our suicidal policies. That China’s reservations do not trump its bigger strategic goals, at least for the time being, is only a temporary […]
Nawaz is not the only target of Dawn Leaks on May 8, 2017That gentlemen want to hold the civilian government on a tight leash — come what may — is an open secret in Islamabad. And if we go by the latest ‘coup d’étweet’ — as a commentator has described it — made in the backdrop of so-called Dawn Leaks, there is no gainsaying the fact that […]