“Carma” is an action packed Pakistani crime thriller film directed by Kashan Admani and written by Fawad Hai. It also stars Adnan Siddiqui, Naveen Waqar, Zahlay Sarhadi and Osama Tahir. The story of Carma revolves around themes of revenge and women empowerment. The aim of the movie is to highlight issues like child labour, paedophilia and adultery. The film is said to be inspired by the works of famous Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino and is based on the background of revenge, murder and betrayal. Along with being a thriller, the film appears to be full of emotional scenes that explore the world of love and loss. The title of the film is a play on the words ‘Car’ and ‘Karma’. The first official trailer of the film was recently released on YouTube. The trailer received an overwhelming response from social media users, which fuelled the excitement for the film’s release. Ever since the trailer, the film was eagerly awaited. However, the waiting hours of the movie fans are about to end now.