An anti-corruption team Wednesday arrested Opposition Leader in the Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Sheikh in Jamshoro and whisked him away. Haleem was arrested from Jamshoro Toll Plaza as he was returning from a hearing. No details of the case were shared by the officers with the PTI leader. “We do not know in which case he was wanted,” Sheikh’s spokesperson said while talking to reporters. He further said Sheikh was already on bail in a case related to 60 acres of land in Jamshoro. “It seems like a new case,” he said. The PTI leaders in the Sindh Assembly have called it a “case of political victimization”. Condemning the arrest, MPA Bilal Ghaffar demanded immediate release of the opposition leader. He said the government had taken revenge for its defeat in Punjab. Former Sindh governor Imran Ismail, Khurram Sher Zaman and others also demanded immediate release of Sheikh. It is pertinent to note that on July 15, the Sindh High Court restrained the anti-corruption department from taking action against Sheikh on a petition pertaining to pending inquiries and harassment. Earlier this month, after an anti-corruption unit from Karachi detained Sheikh in Lahore, the Lahore High Court declared Sheikh’s arrest illegal and ordered his release, granting the PTI lawmaker protective bail till July 18.