Actor-comedian Ahmed Ali Butt spoke up against the latest cooking oil price hike by the federal government, in the prices of cooking oil. Turning to his Instagram handle, Wednesday, Ahmed Ali Butt shared a screengrab of the news headline, ‘Govt. shocks consumers with Rs 213 per litre hike in cooking oil’ on the story, adding the text, “Time to start cooking in petrol.” It is pertinent to mention that the federal government had increased the prices of cooking oil and ghee, being sold at the country’s utility stores, ARY News reported on Tuesday. A notification regarding the increase in prices had also been issued, as per which the new prices were made applicable from June 1. The notification stated that the price of cooking oil had been increased by Rs 213 per litre and will be sold at Rs 605 per litre, whereas, the price of ghee had been increased by Rs 208 per kg, after which the ghee would be sold at Rs 555 per kg in utility stores. Moreover, the prices of other commodities including tea, Rooh Afza, and Jam-e-Shireen had been hiked as well.