HAVELIAN: Federal Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Javed Abbasi on Tuesday released a fund of Rs 300 million for the rehabilitation of Karakoram Highway (KKH) from Haripur to Abbottabad. This was announced by the Federal Minister while talking to the media on the occasion of his visit to Havelian and Ayub Bridge. Murtaza Javed Abbassi further said that KKH and GT roads are badly damaged. The repair work of the highway could not start as the PTI-led government did not release a single penny for the rehabilitation of roads in Hazara Division. In contrast, our government has immediately released a fund of Rs. 30 Crore to NHA which will carry out repair work from Haripur to Abbottabad, he added. The Federal Minister directed the NHA officials to expedite the repair work of the Ayub Bridge and said that the former incompetent government could not complete the work. He said that the previous government had destroyed all sectors including the economy and the Ayub Bridge mansions are the best example of their incompetence which were broken due to heavy rains in Abbottabad district a year ago and were not repaired despite protests and assurances. Murtaza Javed Abbasi said that the locals of Havelian especially Union Council Langara are severely affected by the diversion of traffic from Ayub Bridge to a small bridge of Langara which is also a threat to heavy traffic. The Federal Minister said that despite being in opposition for the last year, we raised the issue of Ayub Bridge, now Prime Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif has ordered the Chairman NHA to repair the bridge immediately. He said that Ayub Bridge was to be opened immediately after Eid but the work was delayed due to the Eid holidays. NHA officials assured the minister that within 10 days while Murtaza Javed Abbassi also directed NHA for the widening of Langra bridge and blacktopping.